Make a reservation

How far in advance do I need to book?

We recommend that you book as early as possible to ensure availability and the current transfer price.

We can usually accept reservations up to 24 hours before your transfer time. However, our late booking deadline depends on the destination and dates requested. In many cases, we will still be able to arrange a transfer for you after the deadline, but we recommend that you book in advance because
late bookings are subject to availability

Can I book another vehicle or route for my return transfer?

If you require a different type of vehicle for your second transfer or wish to be picked up/dropped off at a different location, please make two separate reservations for your transfers.

How do I book an airport transfer?

To book an airport transfer, simply enter the Bordeaux airport name or code (BOD) in the online booking form.

I want to book for today/tomorrow

Late bookings are possible up to one hour before the pick-up time. They are
subject to availability.

You must make a reservation online. You will receive a confirmation e-mail depending on the availability of your request.

I would like to be picked up after the pick-up time indicated on your website.

Any request for a pick-up time later than the one indicated at the time of booking must be sent to us by email. Please note that Bordeaux-Cab cannot be held responsible for any problems that may arise as a result of a different pick-up time being requested. Please note that the price of the transfer may vary depending on the time change requested (evening and weekend rates).


Our group stays in different places. How to make a reservation

If members of your group are staying in another accommodation, you can request an extra stop to drop them off or pick them up en route. You must send a stop request by e-mail and provide us with the address of the additional stop.

Please note that additional stops are only permitted in the same city or area as your final destination and are limited to 5 minutes per stop. If the additional stop is in a different city or area from your final destination, you will need to book separate transfers for your group.

Please note that additional fees will be charged for extra stops based on distance/stop time.


Airport transfer

Can I book a transfer if I'm not coming to/from the airport?

Although we specialize in airport transfers, we are also able to provide other tailor-made services, including city transfers, transfers between different cities/countries, Wine Tours…

Please fill up the booking form. Be sure to include details of your transfer request, including the number of passengers, dates and location where you will need the transfers.

I cannot find my destination. What should I do?

We list addresses on Google Maps. If you can’t find the address you’re looking for, please contact us using our contact form , specifying the pick-up and destination addresses, as well as any stops. We’ll get back to you with a price as soon as possible.

Can we make a stop to pick up the keys on the way to our rental?

You can request an extra stop to collect the keys to your rented apartment or villa. You must send a stop request by e-mail and provide us with the address of the additional stop.

Please note that additional stops are only permitted in the same city or area as your final destination and are limited to 5 minutes per stop.

Please note that additional fees will be charged for extra stops based on distance/stop time.


I arrive and depart from different airports. How to make a reservation

If your arrival airport is different from your departure airport, you will need to make two separate reservations.

What should I do if my flight is delayed?

Don’t worry, we’ve got just what you need!

During the booking process, we will ask you to provide us with specific details about your flight. The driver will use this information to monitor your flight in case of delays, and will pick you up at your flight’s actual landing time.

If your flight number changes, or rescheduled or experiences long delays (more than 2 hours), please call the 24/7 assistance line
indicated on your booking confirmation.


What if my flight is cancelled?

If your flight is cancelled, please inform us as soon as possible. We will do our best to reschedule your service, if available.

If you cancel your transfer 24 hours or more before the scheduled pick-up time, the cancellation is completely free of charge.


Before Pick-up

I have not received my booking confirmation

If you have not received your booking confirmation or any other e-mail, please check that our e-mail has not been inadvertently sent to your Spam/Junk folder. If you can’t find it, please let us know via our contact form or by WhatsApp (+33660443226) and we’ll send it to you.

Do I need to print a copy of my booking confirmation?

You don’t need to print your confirmation as long as you can have the information on your mobile phone.

Don’t forget that your booking confirmation contains important information, such as where to meet your driver and how to contact us in the event of a problem. We therefore recommend that you have a
offline copy or a screenshot
so that you can access your confirmation in the event of an Internet connection problem.

How do I know if my reservation has been successful?

Once the reservation has been successfully completed, a confirmation message will appear on your screen. You will then receive an e-mail confirming your reservation.

If you haven’t seen the confirmation page, or if you can’t see the confirmation e-mail in your inbox, please check your spam folder. If you still cannot see your confirmation e-mail, please let us know via our contact form.

I accidentally deleted my booking confirmation

No problem at all! Just let us know via our contact form and we’ll send it back to you. Please be sure to include your reservation reference.

Will I receive my driver's contact details?

Our driver will contact you before the pick-up time to confirm the address and pick-up location. You’ll then have his contact details, so you can get back to him if you need to.

we’re available 24/7 to help you with any questions, concerns or difficulties you may have finding your driver.

If you have booked a transfer from the airport or train station, we will tell you in the booking confirmation exactly where to find your driver. In high-traffic areas such as airport arrivals halls, drivers carry signs or tablets displaying the name of the main passenger for easy identification.

We are available 24/7 and can help you with any questions, concerns or difficulties you may have finding your driver.

What make or model of car will be used for my transfer?

At Bordeax-Cab, we work with a wide variety of different vehicle makes and models, including Mercedes, Toyota, Volkswagen, Renault, Peugeot and Skoda. All the cars used in our transfers are safe, modern vehicles with the necessary permits required for the legal transfer of passengers.

As transfers are very dynamic, we may need to reassign your vehicle at any time. We are therefore unable to confirm a specific make or model for your reservation. However, we will make sure you get a vehicle in the same category as the one you booked.

During the transfer

What happens if I cannot find my driver?

The driver will contact you before pick-up to reconfirm the meeting point.

If you are unable to locate your driver immediately, please call us on +33 6 60 44 32 26, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. We’ll contact the driver and send him directly to your location, or guide your group to the meeting point.

Please do not move from the meeting point unless expressly instructed to do so by one of our customer service staff. Please bear in mind that we are unable to offer refunds for alternative services or travel arrangements made without first contacting our customer service team by telephone.

Where will I meet my driver?

All instructions on how and where to meet your driver will be given 24 hours before your pick-up.

For airport transfers
After collecting your luggage and clearing customs, the driver will welcome your group in the express parking lot. He/she will hold a sign with the name of the main passenger. the meeting point is easy to locate and will be indicated on your booking confirmation, 24 hours before your pick-up via WhatsApp.

For transfers from a hotel or complex,
please wait in front of the reception/main lobby.

For pick-up at a private address
please have your group wait in front of the address indicated.

How long do I have to wait for my vehicle to leave?

All our transfers are private door-to-door services. Your driver is exclusively reserved for your reservation and will be ready to leave as soon as you meet him.

Changes and cancellations

How do I cancel my reservation?

You can cancel your booking via our contact form, by e-mail or by calling us on +33 6 60 44 32 26

Standard transfers can be cancelled free of charge
up to 24 hours before your transfer.
Cancellations received less than 24 hours in advance will not be reimbursed,

How can I change my booking?

You can request any changes to your booking via our contact form.

For any changes requested within 24 hours of your transfer, please contact our customer service team on +33 6 60 44 32 26.

Modifications requested
within 24 hours
following your transfer (local time) are
subject to availability

How can I change the vehicle category?

If you would like to switch to a different vehicle category, simply send us a message via our contact form . We will confirm availability and get back to you with new pricing.

For any changes requested within 24 hours of your transfer, please contact our customer service team on +33 6 60 44 32 26.

Modifications requested
within 24 hours
following your transfer (local time) are
subject to availability

Can I add passengers to my transfer?

Of course! Please let us know via our contact form

We can change the number of passengers in your reservation free of charge, provided that the vehicle you have reserved has enough free seats for the new passengers joining your reservation. If you need to upgrade to a larger vehicle to accommodate all passengers, we will inform you of the cost of the upgrade and send you a new pricing structure.

For any changes requested within 24 hours of your transfer, please contact our customer service team on +33 6 60 44 32 26.

Modifications requested
within 24 hours
following your transfer (local time) are
subject to availability

I accidentally entered the wrong information when booking.

No worries! Let us know via our contact form at least 24 hours before your transfer and we will modify your reservation free of charge.

For any changes requested within 24 hours of your transfer, please contact our customer service team on +33 6 60 44 32 26.

Modifications requested
within 24 hours
following your transfer (local time) are
subject to availability

What happens if my travel plans change?

We are well aware that our customers’ travel plans can change, often reluctantly. That’s why flexibility has been one of our top priorities. All our private transfers include :

  • Free cancellation up to 24 hours before your transfer
  • Free changes to your reservation
  • Free flight monitoring: your driver will know if your flight is delayed
  • 60 minutes free waiting at the airport

If you book an airport transfer with us, our driver will wait up to 60 minutes after your flight’s arrival time for your group to clear customs and collect your luggage. This wait is totally free and is usually enough to meet your driver without any rush. However, customers sometimes wish to have a little more time for comfort and even to do a little shopping before meeting their driver. For now, you can
pre-book extra waiting time
via our contact form.

For any changes requested within 24 hours of your transfer, please contact our customer service team on +33 6 60 44 32 26.

Prices and payment

I need an invoice. How can I ask for it?

If you need an official invoice from the company, we can provide you with one once all the transfers for your booking have been completed. Just send us a message to make a request. Be sure to quote your booking reference and tell us the tax address and VAT number we need to include on the invoice.

How can I pay for my reservation?

Reservations can be paid for online at the time of booking or directly to the chaffeur by credit card or cash. We accept VISA and MasterCard debit/credit cards.

If you wish to pay the driver for your transfer, make sure you have a valid bank card or euros. We do not accept payment in foreign currencies.

Please remember that all bookings paid online can be cancelled up to 24 hours before the transfer and are eligible for a full refund.


How can I get a receipt?

You will automatically receive your payment receipt once the payment has been successfully completed online. If you are unable to locate it, please check your Junk Mail/Spam folder. If you can’t find it, if you’ve deleted it by mistake or if you think it was never sent, please contact us via our contact form and we’ll be sure to send you another copy.

Are tips included?

Our prices include all transfer costs (tolls, parking, etc.).

Gratuities are left to the customer’s discretion.

General FAQ

How can I file a complaint?

If you encounter any problems during the transfer, please contact us immediately so that we can record the problem and help you resolve it. You can reach us 24/7 on +33 6 60 44 32 26.

If you’re not satisfied with the service you’ve received, don’t hesitate to
send us your comments via our contact form . In order for us to track and investigate any problems or complaints, we require that all comments be received in written form no later than 15 days after your transfer.

Will anyone else be traveling in the vehicle I reserve?

All our private services are reserved exclusively for your transfer. You won’t need to share the vehicle with other passengers or make extra stops on the way to your destination.

What is a private transfer?

A private transfer is a pre-booked, chauffeur-driven vehicle reserved exclusively for your personal/group journey.

Our pre-booked private transfer drivers will be waiting for you at a specific meeting point indicated on your booking confirmation. He will have all the details of your transfer in advance and will take your group directly to the address or location you specified when booking.

Will I be dropped off and picked up directly at my hotel or private address?

Our pre-booked private transfer drivers will be waiting for you at a specific meeting point indicated on your booking confirmation. He will have all the details of your transfer in advance and will take your group directly to the address or location you specified when booking.

If your destination has restricted vehicle access, you will be dropped off and picked up at the nearest accessible passenger drop-off/pick-up point.

Can minors travel alone?

Minors must always be accompanied by at least one adult. We are unable to organize transport for unaccompanied minors.

I forgot something in the vehicle. How can I get it back?

If you think you have forgotten something in the vehicle, please contact our customer service department at +33 6 60 44 32 26. We will then contact the driver to check whether the item was found in the vehicle.

If the lost item has been found, we will provide you with the driver’s contact details, so that you can contact him to arrange for the item to be returned or collected by courier.